Employer: Cool FM 96.9, Nigeria
The Company
Cool FM is a Nigerian Music Station with a mix of Urban contemporary (UC) and Adult contemporary (AC) ranked between #1 and #4 overall, but #1 station in its format
The Company
Cool FM is a Nigerian Music Station with a mix of Urban contemporary (UC) and Adult contemporary (AC) ranked between #1 and #4 overall, but #1 station in its format
Vacancy - Mobile App Developer.
1 Must be able to develop apps for all major mobile OS (Android, iOS and Windows).
2 Must be good with Php and Jquery.
3 Must have a good working knowledge of current trends in web and mobile development.
How To Apply
Send CVs to boni@coolwazobiainfo.com or noruye@coolwazobiainfo.com
using the subject: Application For App Developer.
Note: stating skill set.
Cool FM HR Advice Every Candidate Applying for any post to subscribe for HR_Portal Notification HERE
The HR_Portal will Notify you of your file number after your application has been received.
Application Deadline Date
5th March, 2014.