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The fobrutonrmer Prime Minister of Ireland, John Bruton, has advised that Nigerians who live abroad should bring foreign investments back into their country.
He stated that the factors that attract foreign investments are the same factors that make a democracy strong, “The stronger you make your democracy the more foreign direct investment you will attract.”
Mr. Bruton who was speaking on Democracy and Good Governance in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Southern Nigeria, noted that about 3 million Nigerians were living in North America, out of which 115,000 are medical practitioners and 174,000 are into Information Technology.
Good Governance
Mr. Bruton said that every country is searching for good governance and no country had arrived at that destination. He explained that good governance was not the destination, but a process of constant renewal of institutions, “a country that has good governance now could have bad governance in ten years’ time if it’s not vigilant to prevent some characteristics.”
He stated some characteristics that are important in providing good governance in the country. They include the rule of law, mutual tolerance, shared loyalty, fair election, strong and disciplined electoral parties, good economic conditions, as well as strong stands against corruptions.