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Friday, 29 August 2014

Vacancy - The Position of the Office of the Auditor - Needed At African Development Bank

Employer: African Development Bank , Akwa Ibom State

The Positions  Office of the Auditor General (OAGL) - Chief Auditor at African Development Bank (AfDB)

The Bank
The African Development Bank is a regional multilateral development bank, engaged in promoting the economic development and social progress of its Regional. Vacancy exist for the below job position;Office of the Auditor General (OAGL) - Chief Auditor at African Development Bank (AfDB)

Job Title: Office of the Auditor General (OAGL) - Chief Auditor

Location: Uyo
Grade: PL-3
Position N°: N/A
Reference: ADB/14/034

The objectives of the Operations Audit Division, Office of the Auditor General is to provide Management with independent and objective appraisals and audit information on operational and other activities of the Bank. The Division is responsible for ensuring the systems of the internal controls maintained by the Bank are adequate and effective to safeguard its assets, the reliability, accuracy and integrity of management information systems and related policies, plans, procedures and records and their adequacy to effectively accomplish intended objectives. The Division shall appraise the economy and efficiency with which resources are employed to meet objectives and recommend improvements as required for achievement of such objectives; ensure compliance with governing Bank agreements, rules, regulations, policies and procedures in order to ascertain that the objectives of the Bank are accomplished, detect and prevent irregularities and abuses by conducting audits at the request of the President and the Boards of Directors, ensure the implementation of audit recommendations to correct reported internal control weaknesses and/or deficient conditions and advice management of the risks (s) assumed of not taking corrective action on reported findings and recommendations.

Duties and responsibilities
Under the General supervision of the Manager, the Chief Internal Auditor :

► Leads Audit Teams to conduct audits of highly diversified Bank-wide activities relating to the operational functions of the Bank by:
► Planning audits and determining audit objectives, scope, criteria, methodology to be used as well as staff and budget resources required to ensure that the audit adequately covers the selected area of the Bank’s operations, activities, systems and controls;
► Deciding on the applicable audit approach and techniques that will facilitate the conduct of the audit and preparing the Audit Planning Memorandum (APM) for the Manager’s approval;
► Preparing Audit Programme or modify existing ones (if any), to ensure systematic approach to the audit and ensure that the scope of the audit is fully covered;
► Conducting the field work by collecting data, documents and information, testing and analyzing such information, identifying weaknesses, causes and effects of variances, errors, non-compliance with rules, regulations, policies, procedures, etc;
► Reviewing the working papers and reports of the other staff in the Audit Team to ensure that the audit work is in accordance with the Programme, the findings are supported by the evidence and working papers complies with professiona auditing standard;
► Discussing the audit findings and recommendations with the auditee Departments’ staff, Managers and Directors;
► Preparing and typing the Preliminary Audit Report containing observations, conclusions and recommendations to tighten controls, safeguard the assets or image of the Bank, improve working procedures and ensure that resources are efficiently utilized, for the Auditor General’s signature and transmission to the auditee Departments and Vice-Presidents for comments;
► Preparing and typing the Final Internal Audit Report after incorporating the comments of the auditee Departments and Vice-Presidents, for the Auditor General’s signature through the Manager and onward transmission to the President and the Boards of Directors;
► Monitoring the implementation of the audit recommendations to ensure that the weaknesses observed are corrected and do not recur.
► Leads other Auditors or undertakes special assignments on any aspect of the Bank’s operations as requested by the President or Boards of Directors by:
► Planning the approach to be utilized, deciding the objectives, scope, and methodology to follow, preparing the Audit Planning Memorandum (APM) for the Manager’s approval and preparing the Programme to ensure that the delivery of the assignment is systematic and all aspects are covered.
► Interviewing the parties involved and collecting all pertinent data, documentation and information from all relevant sources, e.g. Directors and Vice Presidents, analyzing data and information collected to identify causes of irregularities, violation of Bank Rules, etc.
► Preparing and typing the Preliminary and Final Report incorporating the formal comments of parties involved for the Auditor General’s signature through the Manager and transmission to the President and the Boards of Directors.
► Monitoring the implementation of recommendations to prevent re-occurrence of such irregularities and safeguard the assets and image of the Bank.
► Supervises and reviews the work performed by other Auditors and Consultants to ensure that audit objectives are achieved, working papers adequately support the findings, conclusions and recommendations and the report is accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive and timely.
► Performs Quality Control of Audits conducted in the past to improve quality of future audits.
► Leads Audit Missions to Member Countries’ organizations, Project Executing Agencies and Sites to conduct audit and advise on compliance with Bank Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures to improve project implementation.
► Assists the Manager in preparing the Internal Audit Quarterly Activity Reports containing the status of implementation of the Annual Internal Audit Work Programme for submission to the Boards of Directors to inform the Board of Directors the status of implementation of the approved Annual Work Programme on a quarterly basis.
► Assists the Manager in preparing the Annual Budget containing the resource requirements of the Department under the guidance of the Auditor General.
► Assists the Manager in proposing and preparing broad audit guidelines, manual, procedures and standards for internal audit activities to ensures consistency of audit approach, independence, objectivity, professional proficiency and due care.
► Selects and presents, and discusses audit findings of particularly great impact or recommendations for major changes in procedures, work flow or organization, with Managers, Directors and Vice Presidents concerned to obtain their agreement..
► Monitors and assesses adequacy of action taken by auditee departments to correct reported deficient conditions, conferring with Managers and Directors to ensure appropriate corrective measures are taken.
► Reviews Bank Group’s new Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures, as well as, proposed changes to existing ones to ensure that adequate controls are incorporated therein.
► Give advice to other Departments and Committees on matters relating to internal control, audit of project accounts, procedures, financial management, operational issues to facilitate their decision making processes.
► Trains, directs and counsels less experienced Internal Auditors in the performance of audit assignments to ensure compliance with audit procedures, proficiency and time schedules.
► Assists the Manager of OAGL in liaising with External Auditors during the Annual Interim and Final Audits of the Bank Group’s Accounts to exchange information and reports, discuss audit coverage, findings and recommendations. Also, liaises with other Departments on audit matters to facilitate the conduct of audit assignments and resolve any problems which might be encountered during and after the completion of audit.
► Assists the Manager of OAGL in coordinating the External Quality Assurance Reviews usually conducted by External Auditors or Institute of External Auditors or Internal Audit Department of a Multilateral Development Bank, to facilitate their work by collecting all the data, documents, information requested in all Departments, sending survey questionnaires to all Directors, arranging and attending their meetings with Directors and Top Management, reading and commenting on their draft Reports.
► Acts as the Manager of the Operations Audit Division in his/her absence.

The Requirement
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience

► At least a Master's degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration and/or an internationally recognized Professional Accounting/Auditing Qualification (“Expert comptable” Chartered/Certified Public Accountant designation).
► Preferably a minimum of 7 years (PL-3) of auditing experience in an internationally recognized professional accounting firm or an international Financial Institution.
► Sound knowledge and auditing experience of Private sector and Public sector operations and financial instruments and information systems such as SAP/R3 system, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Integrated Audit Approach would be of a comparative advantage.
► Good interpersonal, supervisory, communication and analytical skills. Demonstrated writing skills and attention to detail.
► Ability to communicate effectively in English or French but with a good working knowledge of the other language.
► Proficient in use of the Bank standard software: Excel, Word, Power points; MS projects, Access, Visio etc.
► Proficiency in use of computer Aided Audit Tools like ACL, PENTANA, etc.

How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should

Application Deadline Date
9th September, 2014.

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