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Monday, 10 November 2014

New Interview Tips ? Why should I hire you as fresher? Answer

Why should I hire you as fresher?The Answer is as follows


  • Practice is the act of rehearsing a behavior over and over
  • Engage activities ... For Improving or Mastering  - It's The Best Key

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:
  • Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.
  • Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.
As a Graduate seeking an entry-level position which will utilise the organisational and communication skills developed through my involvement with IT Firm and promotional work during vacations.

During my degree I successfully combined my studies with work and other commitments showing myself to be self-motivated, organised and capable of working under pressure. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion. I enjoy working on my own initiative or in a team. In short, I am reliable, trustworthy, hardworking and eager to learn and have a genuine interest in PR.

As I am a fresher all I need is a good start to explore my skills and learn about industrial atmosphere so I hope organizations like yours will provide a better platform to start, learn and explore..

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