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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

JUST IN... Ministerial Screening Exercise Ongoing At Senate

The Senate begins screening exercise and possible confirmation of the ministerial nominees today, October 13.
#MinisterialScreening Alhaji Lai Muhammed receives the endorsement of all 3 Senators from Kwara state
It is believed that at least two out of the three senators from each state must endorse the nomination of ministerial nominee before confirmation can be carried out.

However,the endorsement by two senators of a ministerial nominee would not be the only yardstick for confirmation as the Senate will consider other criteria.

But, with 20 nominees from Batch A and 17 nominees from Batch B, the screening exercise is billed to take three days.

Live feeds from the Senate indicates that one of the nominees and the APC national secretary, Alhaji Lai Muhammed, has received the endorsement of all 3 Senators from Kwara state. More to follow…

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