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Jobs At Fidelity Bank

The Fidelity Bank of Nigeria through the Digital marketing specialist and National Planning, plans to recruit qualified candidates for the services of the Job..

Atiku reacts to appointment of Nigerian politician

Atiku while briefing newsmen. He made this know that he is happy to see Nigerians prosper in Nigeria, and around the world.

Nigerian Newspapers: Top 10 Headlines Today

Good day, Nigeria and the rest of the world. Welcome to the Chat212 FM News roundup of top 10 Nigerian Newspapers Headlines for Today.

Real Madrid sign Hazard

Real Madrid 'to officially announce £86m signing of Hazard from Chelsea after Europa League final' as his dream move nears.

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Wednesday 31 December 2014

Little boy attacked by dogs recovers in India

Omonigho Abraham, the four-year-old boy attacked by dogs in the Igando area of Lagos State is beginning to regain his health in an India hospital.

Chat212 gathered on Tuesday that Omonigho was in a stable condition and would return to the country between January and February 2015.

Seven Suspected Insurgents Die As Explosive-Laden Vehicle Explodes Before Reaching Target

Seven suspected Boko Haram terrorists were on Monday killed when an Improvised Explosive Device hidden in a Toyota Pick-up van they were driving in exploded before they could get to Biu Market, Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

A security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity with our correspondent from Biu, said the suspected terrorists hid the explosives among bags of beans and maize to create the impression that they were traders going to the market. But the IEDs exploded before they could get to the market, which the source said was their main target.

President to spend N456.98m on honoraria

►The Office of the President   will spend N456.98m on honoraria and sitting allowances in 2015.
►This is different from the N348, 342,741 projected to be spent by the State House   on honoraria and sitting allowances during the same year.

Details of the 2015 budget proposals obtained by Chat212 in Abuja on Tuesday also show that the office of the President will spend N1.93bn on travels and transport.

Looking For Jobs?... Grenadines Homes Is Currently Recruiting B.Sc / HND Graduates

Career At Grenadines Homes’

Our Company, The Grenadines Homes’ is a Real estate development company dedicated to reinventing the concept of home ownership in Nigeria.

We are looking for individuals who are Excellent, Dynamic, who have Integrity and are Innovative. Our ultimate goal is to build a force of people who tackle new challenges and have a visible influence in the business and the economy.

Job Title: Performance Management Specialist

Tension in North East, ticking bomb — Lamido

Jigawa State Governor, Dr. Sule Lamido, yesterday described the rising tension in the Northern part of the country as a ticking bomb, which must be addressed urgently if Nigeria must survive as a nation.

According to him, the tension was so palpable that many concerned northerners have opted to relocate from their homes until after the next general election.

Vacancy - Afritech Multi Concepts Limited Is Currently Recruiting... Marketing Executives

Employer: Afritech Multi Concepts Limited

Our Company, Afritech Multi Concepts Limited was duly incorporated in February 2014 under the Company and Allied Matters Act 1990 to provide IT solutions through: Hardware Platform Supports, Systems and Business Integration, Project management and Finance, and Capacity and Development Facility provider.

Afritech Multi Concepts Limited is currently inviting applications from qualified and competent individuals to fill the vacant position.
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