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Wednesday, 31 October 2018

36 more Reps to dump APC

APC crisis: 36 more Reps may dump APC after 70 members loss their return tickets 

There were strong indications on Monday that more All Progressives Congress members of the House of Representatives might leave the party as the raging crisis over the loss of return tickets for 2019 deepened.

Recall that up to 70 members had protested their loss of return tickets after the party’s primary election to its appeal panel.

Incidentally, the panel was said to have resolved only eight of the cases in favour of the petitioners, leaving the majority of 62 out of the equation.

On Wednesday last week, a member from Kaduna State, Mr Musa Soba, resigned from the APC on the floor of the House in Abuja to cap his protest against alleged “injustice.”

He had also disclosed that the members, after a series of meetings, had resolved to start defecting or resigning from the party in batches.

When contacted on Monday, Soba confirmed to The PUNCH that about 36 aggrieved members would be in the next batch to leave the APC.

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